Tuesday, 21 February 2012

"Now are you ready to rock?" (Whitesnake)

Hello again.  3 days to go!!  I'm so excited!!!  As a friend of mine says:  "I'm positively vibrating with excitement!"

I even actually started packing last weekend.  Any of you who know me well also know I'm somewhat of a procrastinator, and as for packing to go away, I usually do it in the last day or two.  I mean, one has to do laundry, and some toiletries get used right up to the last day...so how can one possibly pack too far in advance? I've never understood that.  I guess with going somewhere sunny and warm in the winter, it's easier, because I'm sure not using any of my summer clothes right now, so they at least can go into the suitcase.  Let's have a look at the checklist, shall we?

Official Monsters of Rock cruise t-shirt:  check
Official Monsters of Rock cruise id pass:  check
Mandatory black clothing:  check
Denim:  check
Leather:  ...hmm...I don't actually own any leather clothing.  Never have, come to think of it.  Aside from a few pair of shoes and some bags, no leather...  Ah!  How about back suede?
Black suede:  check!  (still just a pair of shoes, however)
earplugs:  check
mirrored shades:  check
digital camera, with empty memory card and fully charged:  check
ipod, loaded with heavy tunes and freshly synched:  check
appropriate reading material in case there's actually any R&R time (unlikely):  check -- "The Heroin Diaries, a Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star" by Nikki Sixx.  My husband is taking "The Wit and Wisdom of Ozzy Osbourne".  (Good choices, eh?)

Ha!  Ha!  "R&R"!!  I meant "rest and relaxation", not "rock'n'roll".  HA!  I'm sure there'll be LOTS of R&R on board!  :)  Heh, heh, I kill me...

I'm going to try to include a photo with this post, so let's see if I can do this...wish me luck!

Ta-DAAAA!!!  Holy cow -- I'm impressed!  As I'm sure a few of you are, not the least of which will be my husband and my tech support, as this did not involve them helping me.

So, my husband says to me the other night, "I wonder if we'll see anyone famous on the cruise."  Huh?!?  I just look at him for a moment, then reply, "Like Gopher?  Or Isaac?"  He laughs and says, "Maybe Julie.  Or Captain Stubing."  I understand that these bands aren't exactly household names, exactly, but they can be considered famous.  They're more famous than anyone I personally know.  He seems to think that with 3,000+ people on board, it'll be difficult to spot the "stars".  Honestly, I have no idea what to expect.  I guess we'll find out soon...in 3 DAYS, to be exact!!

We can board the ship as early as 2 pm on Sat., Feb. 25, and it "sets sail" (so to speak) at 7 pm that evening.  We return to Ft. Lauderdale at 7 am on Tues., Feb. 28.  I hope to be updating this blog daily while on the cruise, but we don't travel with a computer (except for the better half's dive computer, and I may be no techie, but I'm pretty sure that won't help me).  However, there seems to be a cyber cafe of some sort on board, though I don't really know how that all works, so hopefully I'll be able to get all sorted out and keep you updated -- and entertained.

Ciao for now!

1 comment:

  1. from the husband - a few things

    First LOL sometimes you kill me too.

    I am impressed that you attempted to attached the photo without consulting your tech support not that you managed to do it. I have faith in your computer skills. You've even shown me a few things of late.

    The "ear-plugs" are probably for my snoring, not for watching the bands.

    As for the "vibrating with anticipation"... I wish I had that effect on you still but alas I cut my hair a dozen years ago.

    my check list
    mask / snorkel / fins / BCD / regulator / form fitting xl wet-suit to show off my 6-pack (or keg more like) / dive log / dive computer / etc... check to all.... now I'm vibrating with anticipation... USS Vandenburg here I come.

    oh yeah and check to the monsters of rock stuff too.
